How To Make An Amazing Custom Menu Bar For Your Mac With Sketchybar


Checkout My Wallpaper Pack For This Custom Menu Bar: Waves Wallpaper Pack

Take a look at my youtube video for in-depth explanations of all of the code in this blog post.

You can find my current sketchybar config and the rest of my dotfiles here: dotfiles

Open a terminal window

Open a terminal window on your mac. Could be the default terminal or something else like iTerm2 which is what I’m currently using.

Install homebrew

Run the following command:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

If necessary, when prompted, enter your password here and press enter. If you haven’t installed the XCode Command Line Tools, when prompted, press enter and homebrew will install this as well.

Add to path (only apple silicon macbooks)

After installing, add it to the path. This step shouldn’t be necessary on Intel macs.

Run the following two commands to do so:

echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> ~/.zprofile
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"

Install sketchybar

Run the following two commands:

brew tap FelixKratz/formulae
brew install sketchybar

Run these commands to add default ~/.config/sketchybar example configuration:

mkdir -p ~/.config/sketchybar
cp /opt/homebrew/opt/sketchybar/share/sketchybar/examples/sketchybarrc ~/.config/sketchybar/sketchybarrc
mkdir ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins
cp -r /opt/homebrew/opt/sketchybar/share/sketchybar/examples/plugins/ ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/
chmod +x ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/*

Install default nerd font

Run the following two commands:

brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install font-hack-nerd-font

Install command line JSON processor (jq)

Run the following command to install jq:

brew install jq

Hide the default MacOs menu bar

For MacOs Sonoma: System Settings -> Control Center-> Automatically hide and show the menu bar -> Always

For MacOs Ventura: System Settings -> Desktop & Dock -> Automatically hide and show the menu bar -> Always

For Pre MacOS Ventura: System Preferences -> Dock & Menu Bar -> Automatically hide and show the menu bar (checked)

Startup sketchybar

Run the following command:

brew services start sketchybar

Make yabai window manager aware of sketchybar (optional)

Only necessary if you’re using Yabai

Open .config/yabai/yabairc in your editor of choice and add this line:

yabai -m config external_bar all:32:0

32 is for the height of sketchybar. If you change the height of sketchybar also change this number.

Run the following command on the terminal to restart yabai:

yabai --restart-service

Use rectangle & set a gap for it instead of using yabai (optional)

An alternative to using Yabai (Yabai is a better option in my opinion)

Install Rectangle with homebrew.

brew install --cask rectangle

Execute this command so that Rectangle defines a gap to the top of the screen:

defaults write com.knollsoft.Rectangle screenEdgeGapTop -int 32

Restart Rectangle if already running.

Install VSCode (optional)

Install with homebrew:

brew install --cask visual-studio-code

Open sketchybar config with editor of choice

Navigate to ~/.config/sketchybar on your terminal.

cd ~/.config/sketchybar

Open with editor of choice.

For Vim use:

vim .

For Neovim use:

nvim .

For VSCode use:

code .

Add #!/bin/bash to sketchybarrc

In your editor, open sketchybarrc file.

To the top add this shebang line:


This is so that bash is used to interpret/execute the commands in the sketchybarrc file.

Add file

Create file under the sketchybar folder

Add the following to this file:


export WHITE=0xffffffff

# -- Teal Scheme --
export BAR_COLOR=0xff001f30
export ITEM_BG_COLOR=0xff003547
export ACCENT_COLOR=0xff2cf9ed

# -- Gray Scheme --
# export BAR_COLOR=0xff101314
# export ITEM_BG_COLOR=0xff353c3f
# export ACCENT_COLOR=0xffffffff

# -- Purple Scheme --
# export BAR_COLOR=0xff140c42
# export ITEM_BG_COLOR=0xff2b1c84
# export ACCENT_COLOR=0xffeb46f9

# -- Red Scheme ---
# export BAR_COLOR=0xff23090e
# export ITEM_BG_COLOR=0xff591221
# export ACCENT_COLOR=0xffff2453

# -- Blue Scheme ---
# export BAR_COLOR=0xff021254
# export ITEM_BG_COLOR=0xff093aa8
# export ACCENT_COLOR=0xff15bdf9

# -- Green Scheme --
# export BAR_COLOR=0xff003315
# export ITEM_BG_COLOR=0xff008c39
# export ACCENT_COLOR=0xff1dfca1

# -- Orange Scheme --
# export BAR_COLOR=0xff381c02
# export ITEM_BG_COLOR=0xff99440a
# export ACCENT_COLOR=0xfff97716

# -- Yellow Scheme --
# export BAR_COLOR=0xff2d2b02
# export ITEM_BG_COLOR=0xff8e7e0a
# export ACCENT_COLOR=0xfff7fc17

The variables in this file will be used to setup the colors of the bar.

Checkout My Wallpaper Pack To Match With These Colors: Waves Wallpaper Pack

To use a colorscheme for the bar, uncomment the color variables for it and comment the ones you’re not using.

To explore more colors you can use the sketchybar color picker.

Now make this file an executable by running this command in a terminal window:

chmod +x ~/.config/sketchybar/

Source in sketchybarrc

Open sketchybarrc in your editor.

Add the following line to the top of sketchybarrc to load the color variables in


source "$CONFIG_DIR/" # Loads all defined colors

Now modify sketchybarrc to use the new variables from the file like so:

##### Bar Appearance #####
# Configuring the general appearance of the bar, these are only some of the
# options available. For all options see:
# If you are looking for other colors, see the color picker:

sketchybar --bar height=37        \
                 blur_radius=30   \
                 position=top     \
                 sticky=off       \
                 padding_left=10  \
                 padding_right=10 \

##### Changing Defaults #####
# We now change some default values that are applied to all further items
# For a full list of all available item properties see:

sketchybar --default icon.font="Hack Nerd Font:Bold:17.0"  \
                     icon.color=$WHITE                 \
                     label.font="Hack Nerd Font:Bold:14.0" \
                     label.color=$WHITE                \
                     padding_left=5                    \
                     padding_right=5                   \
                     label.padding_left=4              \
                     label.padding_right=4             \
                     icon.padding_left=4               \

Save your changes.

On a terminal window run the following to reload sketchybar and see your changes:

sketchybar --reload

Install SF Pro Font & SF Symbols

Install the SF Pro font which is the font for MacOs:

brew install font-sf-pro

Install SF Symbols which is an icons/symbols library made for SF Pro:

brew install --cask sf-symbols

Update Default Fonts In sketchybarrc

In sketchybarrc change default fonts to the following:

##### Changing Defaults #####
# We now change some default values that are applied to all further items
# For a full list of all available item properties see:

sketchybar --default icon.font="SF Pro:Semibold:15.0"  \
                     icon.color=$WHITE                 \
                     label.font="SF Pro:Semibold:15.0" \
                     label.color=$WHITE                \
                     padding_left=5                    \
                     padding_right=5                   \
                     label.padding_left=4              \
                     label.padding_right=4             \
                     icon.padding_left=4               \

Clear default items in sketchybar

Open the sketchybarrc file and remove the following highlighted lines to clear the default items in the bar:

##### Adding Mission Control Space Indicators #####
# Now we add some mission control spaces:
# to indicate active and available mission control spaces

SPACE_ICONS=("1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10")

for i in "${!SPACE_ICONS[@]}"
  sketchybar --add space space.$sid left                                 \
             --set space.$sid space=$sid                                 \
                              icon=${SPACE_ICONS[i]}                     \
                              background.color=0x44ffffff                \
                              background.corner_radius=5                 \
                              background.height=20                       \
                              background.drawing=off                     \
                              label.drawing=off                          \
                              script="$PLUGIN_DIR/"              \
                              click_script="yabai -m space --focus $sid"

##### Adding Left Items #####
# We add some regular items to the left side of the bar
# only the properties deviating from the current defaults need to be set

sketchybar --add item space_separator left                         \
           --set space_separator icon=                            \
                                 padding_left=10                   \
                                 padding_right=10                  \
                                 label.drawing=off                 \
           --add item front_app left                               \
           --set front_app       script="$PLUGIN_DIR/" \
                                 icon.drawing=off                  \
           --subscribe front_app front_app_switched

##### Adding Right Items #####
# In the same way as the left items we can add items to the right side.
# Additional position (e.g. center) are available, see:

# Some items refresh on a fixed cycle, e.g. the clock runs its script once
# every 10s. Other items respond to events they subscribe to, e.g. the
# script is only executed once an actual change in system audio
# volume is registered. More info about the event system can be found here:

sketchybar --add item clock right                              \
           --set clock   update_freq=10                        \
                         icon=                                \
                         script="$PLUGIN_DIR/"         \
           --add item volume right                             \
           --set volume  script="$PLUGIN_DIR/"        \
           --subscribe volume volume_change                    \
           --add item battery right                            \
           --set battery script="$PLUGIN_DIR/"       \
                         update_freq=120                       \
           --subscribe battery system_woke power_source_change

##### Finalizing Setup #####
# The below command is only needed at the end of the initial configuration to
# force all scripts to run the first time, it should never be run in an item script.

sketchybar --update

In a terminal window run the following to reload sketchybar:

sketchybar --reload

Add calendar item to bar

Add the following highlighted lines to your sketchybarrc file.

# --- Right Side Items ---

sketchybar --add item calendar right \
           --set calendar icon=􀧞  \
                          label="$(date +'%a %d %b %I:%M %p')"

##### Finalizing Setup #####
# The below command is only needed at the end of the initial configuration to
# force all scripts to run the first time, it should never be run in an item script.

sketchybar --update

Find the date command man page for formatting options here

In a terminal window run the following to reload sketchybar:

sketchybar --reload

Add default background to items

In sketchybarrc add/modify these lines to the default item settings to setup a default background for items:

##### Changing Defaults #####
# We now change some default values that are applied to all further items
# For a full list of all available item properties see:

sketchybar --default icon.font="SF Pro:Semibold:15.0"  \
                     icon.color=$WHITE                 \
                     label.font="SF Pro:Semibold:15.0" \
                     label.color=$WHITE                \
                     background.color=$ITEM_BG_COLOR       \
                     background.corner_radius=5            \
                     background.height=24                  \
                     padding_left=5                        \
                     padding_right=5                       \
                     label.padding_left=4                  \
                     label.padding_right=10                \
                     icon.padding_left=10                  \

Make bar taller

In sketchybarrc modify this line:

##### Bar Appearance #####
# Configuring the general appearance of the bar, these are only some of the
# options available. For all options see:
# If you are looking for other colors, see the color picker:

sketchybar --bar height=37        \
                 blur_radius=30   \
                 position=top     \
                 sticky=off       \
                 padding_left=10  \
                 padding_right=10 \

Save your changes and run this in terminal:

sketchybar --reload

Remember to update your yabairc or run the rectangle command to respect this change as we did earlier.

Add plugin

Remove the file under ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins.

Add file in ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins.

In terminal run the following to make executable:

chmod +x ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/

Add following code to plugins/


sketchybar --set $NAME label="$(date +'%a %d %b %I:%M %p')"

Open sketchybarrc and modify the calendar item to look like so:

# --- Right Side Items ---

sketchybar --add item calendar right \
           --set calendar icon=􀧞  \
                          update_freq=30 \

##### Finalizing Setup #####
# The below command is only needed at the end of the initial configuration to
# force all scripts to run the first time, it should never be run in an item script.

sketchybar --update

Move calendar item to separate file

Create new directory called items under ~/.config/sketchybar.

Add a file called to ~/.config/sketchybar/items.

Make this file an executable by executing this in terminal:

chmod +x ~/.config/sketchybar/items/

Add calendar item code to items/ like so:


sketchybar --add item calendar right \
           --set calendar icon=􀧞  \
                          update_freq=30 \

Open sketchybarrc

Add the following line to sketchybarrc:


source "$CONFIG_DIR/" # Loads all defined colors

# This is a demo config to show some of the most important commands more easily.
# This is meant to be changed and configured, as it is intentionally kept sparse.
# For a more advanced configuration example see my dotfiles:


Replace calendar item code with the following near the bottom of sketchybarrc:

# --- Right Side Items ---
source $ITEM_DIR/

##### Finalizing Setup #####
# The below command is only needed at the end of the initial configuration to
# force all scripts to run the first time, it should never be run in an item script.

sketchybar --update

Save your changes and reload sketchybar by running:

sketchybar --reload

Add volume item to bar

Add file under ~/.config/sketchybar/items

Make this file an executable by running:

chmod +x ~/.config/sketchybar/items/

Add the following code to


sketchybar --add item volume right \
           --set volume script="$PLUGIN_DIR/" \
           --subscribe volume volume_change \

Open ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/ in your editor.

Modify the code to use SF Symbol icons like so:


# The volume_change event supplies a $INFO variable in which the current volume
# percentage is passed to the script.

if [ "$SENDER" = "volume_change" ]; then

  case $VOLUME in
    [6-9][0-9]|100) ICON="􀊩"
    [3-5][0-9]) ICON="􀊥"
    [1-9]|[1-2][0-9]) ICON="􀊡"
    *) ICON="􀊣"

  sketchybar --set $NAME icon="$ICON" label="$VOLUME%"

Open sketchybarrc and add the following to add the item to the bar:

# --- Right Side Items ---
source $ITEM_DIR/
source $ITEM_DIR/

##### Finalizing Setup #####
# The below command is only needed at the end of the initial configuration to
# force all scripts to run the first time, it should never be run in an item script.

sketchybar --update

Save changes and reload sketchybar by executing:

sketchybar --reload

Add battery item to the bar

Add file under ~/.config/sketchybar/items

Make this file an executable by running:

chmod +x ~/.config/sketchybar/items/

Add the following code to


sketchybar --add item battery right \
           --set battery update_freq=120 \
                         script="$PLUGIN_DIR/" \
           --subscribe battery system_woke power_source_change

Open ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/ in your editor.

Modify the code to use SF Symbol icons like so:


PERCENTAGE=$(pmset -g batt | grep -Eo "\d+%" | cut -d% -f1)
CHARGING=$(pmset -g batt | grep 'AC Power')

if [ $PERCENTAGE = "" ]; then
  exit 0

case ${PERCENTAGE} in
  9[0-9]|100) ICON="􀛨"
  [6-8][0-9]) ICON="􀺸"
  [3-5][0-9]) ICON="􀺶"
  [1-2][0-9]) ICON="􀛩"
  *) ICON="􀛪"

if [[ $CHARGING != "" ]]; then

# The item invoking this script (name $NAME) will get its icon and label
# updated with the current battery status
sketchybar --set $NAME icon="$ICON" label="${PERCENTAGE}%"

Open sketchybarrc and add the following to add the item to the bar:

# --- Right Side Items ---
source $ITEM_DIR/
source $ITEM_DIR/
source $ITEM_DIR/

##### Finalizing Setup #####
# The below command is only needed at the end of the initial configuration to
# force all scripts to run the first time, it should never be run in an item script.

sketchybar --update

Save changes and reload sketchybar by executing:

sketchybar --reload

Add cpu item to the bar

Add file under ~/.config/sketchybar/items

Make this file an executable by running:

chmod +x ~/.config/sketchybar/items/

Add the following code to


sketchybar --add item cpu right \
           --set cpu  update_freq=2 \
                      icon=􀧓  \

Add file under ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins

Make this file an executable by running:

chmod +x ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/

Open ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/ and add the following code to it:


CORE_COUNT=$(sysctl -n machdep.cpu.thread_count)
CPU_INFO=$(ps -eo pcpu,user)
CPU_SYS=$(echo "$CPU_INFO" | grep -v $(whoami) | sed "s/[^ 0-9\.]//g" | awk "{sum+=\$1} END {print sum/(100.0 * $CORE_COUNT)}")
CPU_USER=$(echo "$CPU_INFO" | grep $(whoami) | sed "s/[^ 0-9\.]//g" | awk "{sum+=\$1} END {print sum/(100.0 * $CORE_COUNT)}")

CPU_PERCENT="$(echo "$CPU_SYS $CPU_USER" | awk '{printf "%.0f\n", ($1 + $2)*100}')"

sketchybar --set $NAME label="$CPU_PERCENT%"

Open sketchybarrc and add the following to add the item to the bar:

# --- Right Side Items ---
source $ITEM_DIR/
source $ITEM_DIR/
source $ITEM_DIR/
source $ITEM_DIR/

##### Finalizing Setup #####
# The below command is only needed at the end of the initial configuration to
# force all scripts to run the first time, it should never be run in an item script.

sketchybar --update

Save changes and reload sketchybar by executing:

sketchybar --reload

Install and setup sketchybar-app-font

Run the following command to install the sketchybar-app-font:

curl -L -o $HOME/Library/Fonts/sketchybar-app-font.ttf

Run the following command to add to ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins:

curl -L -o ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/

Open the file now found in ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins and add the following to the end of the file:

icon_map "$1"

echo "$icon_result"

Make this file an executable by running the following in terminal:

chmod +x ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/

Add front app item to the bar

Add file under ~/.config/sketchybar/items

Make this file an executable by running:

chmod +x ~/.config/sketchybar/items/

Add the following code to


sketchybar --add item front_app left \
           --set front_app       background.color=$ACCENT_COLOR \
                                 icon.color=$BAR_COLOR \
                                 icon.font="sketchybar-app-font:Regular:16.0" \
                                 label.color=$BAR_COLOR \
                                 script="$PLUGIN_DIR/"            \
           --subscribe front_app front_app_switched

Open ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/ modify the following to add the app icon to the front app:


# Some events send additional information specific to the event in the $INFO
# variable. E.g. the front_app_switched event sends the name of the newly
# focused application in the $INFO variable:

if [ "$SENDER" = "front_app_switched" ]; then
  sketchybar --set $NAME label="$INFO" icon="$($CONFIG_DIR/plugins/ "$INFO")"

Open sketchybarrc and add the following to add the item to the bar:

# -- Left Side Items --
source $ITEM_DIR/

# --- Right Side Items ---
source $ITEM_DIR/
source $ITEM_DIR/
source $ITEM_DIR/
source $ITEM_DIR/

##### Finalizing Setup #####
# The below command is only needed at the end of the initial configuration to
# force all scripts to run the first time, it should never be run in an item script.

sketchybar --update

Save changes and reload sketchybar by executing:

sketchybar --reload

Add spaces to the bar

Add file under ~/.config/sketchybar/items

Make this file an executable by running:

chmod +x ~/.config/sketchybar/items/

Add the following code to


SPACE_SIDS=(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

for sid in "${SPACE_SIDS[@]}"
  sketchybar --add space space.$sid left                                 \
             --set space.$sid space=$sid                                 \
                              icon=$sid                                  \
                              label.font="sketchybar-app-font:Regular:16.0" \
                              label.padding_right=20                     \
                              label.y_offset=-1                          \

Open ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/ and replace the code with the following:


# The $SELECTED variable is available for space components and indicates if
# the space invoking this script (with name: $NAME) is currently selected:

source "$CONFIG_DIR/" # Loads all defined colors

if [ $SELECTED = true ]; then
  sketchybar --set $NAME background.drawing=on \
                         background.color=$ACCENT_COLOR \
                         label.color=$BAR_COLOR \
  sketchybar --set $NAME background.drawing=off \
                         label.color=$ACCENT_COLOR \

Open sketchybarrc and add the following to add the item to the bar:

# -- Left Side Items --
source $ITEM_DIR/
source $ITEM_DIR/

# --- Right Side Items ---
source $ITEM_DIR/
source $ITEM_DIR/
source $ITEM_DIR/
source $ITEM_DIR/

##### Finalizing Setup #####
# The below command is only needed at the end of the initial configuration to
# force all scripts to run the first time, it should never be run in an item script.

sketchybar --update

Save changes and reload sketchybar by executing:

sketchybar --reload

Add space separator item & active app icons per space

Open the file under ~/.config/sketchybar/items.

Add the following code to it:


SPACE_SIDS=(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

for sid in "${SPACE_SIDS[@]}"
  sketchybar --add space space.$sid left                                 \
             --set space.$sid space=$sid                                 \
                              icon=$sid                                  \
                              label.font="sketchybar-app-font:Regular:16.0" \
                              label.padding_right=20                     \
                              label.y_offset=-1                          \

sketchybar --add item space_separator left                             \
           --set space_separator icon="􀆊"                                \
                                 icon.color=$ACCENT_COLOR \
                                 icon.padding_left=4                   \
                                 label.drawing=off                     \
                                 background.drawing=off                \
                                 script="$PLUGIN_DIR/" \
           --subscribe space_separator space_windows_change

Add a new file called under ~/.config/plugins

Make this file an executable by running:

chmod +x ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/

Add the following code to this file:


if [ "$SENDER" = "space_windows_change" ]; then
  space="$(echo "$INFO" | jq -r '.space')"
  apps="$(echo "$INFO" | jq -r '.apps | keys[]')"

  icon_strip=" "
  if [ "${apps}" != "" ]; then
    while read -r app
      icon_strip+=" $($CONFIG_DIR/plugins/ "$app")"
    done <<< "${apps}"

  sketchybar --set space.$space label="$icon_strip"

Save changes and reload sketchybar by executing:

sketchybar --reload

Add media item to the bar (for current song playing)

Add file under ~/.config/sketchybar/items

Make this file an executable by running:

chmod +x ~/.config/sketchybar/items/

Add the following code to items/


sketchybar --add item media e \
           --set media label.color=$ACCENT_COLOR \
                       label.max_chars=20 \
                       icon.padding_left=0 \
                       scroll_texts=on \
                       icon=􀑪             \
                       icon.color=$ACCENT_COLOR   \
                       background.drawing=off \
                       script="$PLUGIN_DIR/" \
           --subscribe media media_change

Add file under ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins

Make this file an executable by running:

chmod +x ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/

Open ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/ and add the following code to it:


STATE="$(echo "$INFO" | jq -r '.state')"
if [ "$STATE" = "playing" ]; then
  MEDIA="$(echo "$INFO" | jq -r '.title + " - " + .artist')"
  sketchybar --set $NAME label="$MEDIA" drawing=on
  sketchybar --set $NAME drawing=off

Open sketchybarrc and add the following to add the item to the bar:

# -- Left Side Items --
source $ITEM_DIR/
source $ITEM_DIR/

# -- Right Side Of Notch Items --
source $ITEM_DIR/

# -- Right Side Items --
source $ITEM_DIR/
source $ITEM_DIR/
source $ITEM_DIR/
source $ITEM_DIR/

##### Finalizing Setup #####
# The below command is only needed at the end of the initial configuration to
# force all scripts to run the first time, it should never be run in an item script.

sketchybar --update

Save changes and reload sketchybar by executing:

sketchybar --reload